Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Syrian Troops Kill Civilians Return

Syria turmoil continues. Local human rights activists reported government forces renewed attacks in the city of Homs and killed 13 civilians.

"As many as 13 civilians were reported killed yesterday and today. They died in some areas of the city of Homs when the military launched an offensive to combat the opposition," said Chairman of Syria's human rights watchdog Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP on Tuesday (19 / 7 / 2011).

Also filed similar reports by other human rights activists. Abdel Karim Rihawi reported that forces loyal to President Bashar Assad, to the center of the city Homs attacked and shot dead a civilian. Troops have also caused four other people injured.

According Rihawi Syrian troops entered the area in the city of Homs Khalidiyeh and shortly thereafter heard gunshots. Rihawi said the injured victims are now taken to hospital Al-Bir.

To this day the battle between government forces and the opposition continues. The acts of violence that occurred today, it is feared could trigger chaos in the peaceful demonstrations by opposition parties over the last four months.

The battle happened in Homs last week. It was more than 30 people were reported killed in the violence that occurred between the Sunni Muslims, Christians and the minority Alawi community in Syria.

The unrest came after three groups of community supporters were abducted and found dead in a state of no longer last week. Activist judge it is a form of divisive among the Syrian opposition that could lead to civil war.

Four months into the condition of Syria continues to heat up. Current turmoil led to 1400 civilians were reportedly killed and thousands of others were imprisoned.

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