Friday, July 29, 2011

Fasting not Mean No Exercise

MONTH of Ramadan is in sight, imagine that physical activity is reduced during the course of its worship. Yet to keep the body fit, exercise still needs to be run.

Normally during the run of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, people will lower physical activity in order to save energy. Moreover, in everyday work activities continue as usual.

Perhaps you've imagined productivity will decrease and you become easily tired and sleepy. Yet again the essence of fasting is a means to clean the soul and body. Therefore fasting is not necessarily an excuse for idleness or feel excessively tired.

Even to maintain fitness during fasting for the body is more passionate and not feel tired, exercise still needs to be run. Yes, fasting is not necessarily absent from the exercise activity.

According dr.Michael Triangto, Sp.KO, exercise during the fasting month goal is not to improve your fitness or performance but rather to maintain fitness. So that sense of weakness, laziness, especially drowsiness can be avoided.

Exercise can also stabilize blood glucose levels as often doctor recommended for pernderita diabetes mellitus. In addition, physical activity during the fasting month is aimed at maintaining body weight and muscle mass. With the fast muscle strength will be reduced, rather than fat.

The same thing is said dr. Tanya Rotikan, Sp.KO. According to specialists from the Faculty of medicine, they are accustomed to exercising, it should still run the event.

"It's just adapted to the conditions tubuh.Kurangi exercise intensity and shortening the time of exercise and look for the appropriate time," he said.

Reduce the intensity of exercise during fasting is a necessity, considering these activities require considerable intake in the body. Though fasting spent approximately 14 hours. If it is too excessive, the body will deplete energy and thirst arise.

"Early-early start sporting body may feel lemas.Tapi do not stop, because the body will experience the process of adaptation," he said.

Furthermore, Tanya recommends to exercise in a cool place. If you exercise in the fitness center, indoor air-conditioned, it does not matter. But if you walk in the open area, find a cool place to avoid excessive perspiration that can cause dehydration. Not only ordinary people who lose in the sports activities of the fasting month. Athletes take advantage of this month although the term for 'down the engine'.

"This period is referred to as the periodization, the opportunity to cleanse your body or detoxification process," said Dr. Phaidon L Toruan, MM, sports science director for Indonesia national football team in the last year.

Then when it is appropriate to exercise? Exercise during the month of fasting can be done two to three times a week for 30 minutes. The right time to exercise is about two hours before or after breaking the fast break.

"If you break the fast is just a void, such as drinking tea or eating a banana, exercise can be done 15 minutes later," said Phaidon.

When breaking before exercise, Phaidon advised to drink a glass of tea without sugar but with lemon juice or honey as a sweetener substitute. In order to exercise is not done in a state of dehydration.

It's best to drink young coconut water which is rich in electrolytes original. Coconut water contains more potassium than natrium.Pisang also well taken because it is easily processed by the body and is a good source of electrolytes during the fasting month alami.Ada not need too many sweet foods or beverages.

"That sounds good to replace white sugar with palm sugar," advises Phaidon.

On the other hand, Michael actually suggested to exercise in the morning after dawn. At this time, the air is still very fresh and pollution free. We can also invite family members participating sports. No need heavy exercise, simply by walking around your neighborhood for example.

"Body and spirit fit so precisely because the metabolism increases. So it is not easily tired and sleepy during the day. Indeed, to invite the body workout, especially in the month of fasting is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. But we must convince ourselves that the start was not something heavy work. So if you run out the meal, my body is still fresh, "added Michael.

Do exercise gradually and do not overdo that will actually affect less well. Michael warned, good works must begin with good intentions, not least for this one activity. The purpose of fasting is to cleanse themselves and not just mentally but also physically.

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