Tuesday, June 21, 2011

U.S. Jews Will Participate in the flotilla to Gaza

Some Jews United States (U.S.) will join a flotilla or vessel 10 contains a relief that will penetrate the blockade by Israel against Gaza's sea border.

"We want justice for Gaza," said one U.S. Jews Leslie Cogan, as quoted by AFP on Tuesday (06/21/2011).

The ship containing 36 passengers, four of whom are crew and nine journalists. Leslie also confirmed, 28 percent of the passengers were American Jews.

"The existence of Jews in this ship is very important, very strong Jewish lobby in the country," says Richard Levy, a Jewish lawyer.

"We can not support the Israeli blockade and there should be no longer citizens who were massacred in the name of the Jews," he said.

Previously, Israel has also attacked the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara then send aid to Gaza. Mavi Marmara damaged in Israeli attacks and can not go overboard.

However, re-launched a new mission which is to send 10 ships in this month to break the Israeli blockade. Meanwhile, Israel threatened to take strong action when the vessel is still sending aid.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also called for the activists in order to channel aid through the Rafah crossing in Egypt, not through the waters.

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