Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Former President of Tunisia 35 Year Prison Sentence

Tunisia Court sentenced the former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali for 35 years. The verdict handed down after he was deposed by force six months ago.

The verdict was taken in absentia since Ben Ali was in Saudi Arabia since ousted. Ben Ali was convicted on charges of theft and has perhisaan as well as a large amount of money expected from the proceeds of corruption.

A similar verdict was decided to his wife Leila Trabelsi who is also on the run with Ben Ali. Former hairdresser is known as a lavish lifestyle and became a symbol of corruption of the Ben Ali government.

Ben Ali and his wife flew to Saudi Arabia on 14 January after mass protests against 23 years of his reign. In February, the Government of Tunisia called upon Saudi Arabia to extradite Ben Ali.
During the power, the people watching Ben Ali enrich himself with his family. While the security forces were deployed to arrest anyone caught it.

Tunisia welcomed the people happy over this decision. "After 23 years, he (Ben Ali) to manipulate the court. Today's decision is fair has been returned. This is a happy day," said Meriam, the woman whose brother was arrested without cause during Ben Ali's government, told Reuters on Tuesday (21 / 6 / 2011).

Judge Touhami Hafian who read the verdict in the Court of central Tunisia, Ben Ali and also ordered her to pay the sum of 91 million Tunisian dinars, or approximately Rp569 billion (Rp6, 261 per dinar Tunisia). also decide both guilt in the possession of drugs and weapons

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