Saturday, June 11, 2011

Turkish PM slams Syria Syrian Refugee Problem

Turkey condemned the attack Syrian troops into northern Syria which resulted in "hijrahnya" approximately four thousand citizens of Syria to Turkey.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared permanent borders would open the door to rescue refugees in Syria are Syrian.

"I opened this border on the basis of humanity, they are not inhumane and cruel," said Erdogan, was quoted by the Associated Press on Saturday (11/06/2011).

Syrian troops to attack al-Jisr Shughour backed by helicopters and tanks. These troops were deployed to surround the city, agricultural area burned and protesters were shot. Approximately 32 people were killed in the siege of action undertaken by the Syrian armed forces.

Forces involved assault is alleged is the elite division under the command of Maher al-Assad who is the younger brother of President Bashar al-Assad that Maher al-Assad.

"They burn everything here, they even kill animals and unarmed civilians, that we can do when it is run," says Adil, an eyewitness.

According to the record of human rights activists, government's repressive measures against demonstrators has now killed 1400 citizens, security forces and 500 people have been killed.

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