Thursday, June 16, 2011

5 Tricks Used to Eliminate 'Hickey' in the Neck

I was so enthusiastic, often ex-ex kiss on the neck creating a visible and interfere with your performance. Rather than trouble You cover it with a scarf or a high-collared shirt, just overcome with this trick.

A kiss is so enthusiastic it could give birth to a noticeable bite marks on the neck. Worse, the former can not disappear instantly if not addressed immediately. As a result, the show wearing a dress with a V-neck dress that memerlihatkan sexiness of your neck were nevertheless carried out.

Before it hit you, Idiva gives tips for removing former "hickey" on her neck and relieve the pain produced by it.

- Put a cold compress on the former "hickey" as soon as possible. Use a circular motion and massage around the area while providing a light pressure. Do not press too hard because it will only make things worse the bite marks. In order to get more leverage, keep metal objects in the freezer for a while and then place it over the hickey is with a massage. If you do not have a metal, Put ice cubes on it so the pain quickly subsided.

- If within 48 hours of the bite marks do not disappear, continue with warm compresses. This will help reduce the pain and the onset of swelling in the neck. Warmth flowed compresses will make blood flow smoothly, so the pain in the neck immediately disappeared.

- Massage bites by applying vitamin E. This will help a little bite marks that appear enlarged.

- Select concealor light skin color to match bite marks to help disguise it. Spread on the former "hickey" and the surrounding area, so the red color will slightly fade bite marks.

- If all the above efforts have been made and the bite marks on the neck are still visible, high-necked shirt to be the last hope to save your appearance.

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