Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love with Sincere, Bringing Happiness.

  Love to own.
When someone talks about love, then what is actually being entrenched in his heart is to be loved. Even if he tried to love someone, then it is just to be loved. He loves to be loved, in return. And if it turns out that she loved did not reciprocate, then it would be very easy to change, even turned to hate. He was disappointed, humiliated, ignored, unappreciated, rejected, rebuffed, insulted, or the like. What was he would have thought a loving attitude, has now changed completely. Now he turned into hatred, even rancor.
What really happened to him? Does he really love people, who supposedly had he loved it? Apparently not. Not because he now hate or hold grudges, but because of his desire to possess, control, straddling for himself. That is when it really was not love at all.
I think you've heard the beautiful words: "Love is not to have, but to own." You may agree or not: but, if you really can bring this mental attitude, it is capable of happiness. By allowing ourselves to be held without feeling the need to have.
Love or hate a person or group of persons entirely within your authority is not it? You can not be forced to love anyone, but only just pretended. Similarly, another person; no one can be forced to love us. If you really love someone or a group of people, you do not have to care whether he or they love you or not. You just love him. That's it. There is absolutely nothing to do with issues of ownership, a problem to have, mastered, straddling.
If we can truly love or motivated without a strong desire to have, then we could feel the happiness of mencintai.Sebaliknya, we only invite the pain, misery. Sincerity in love that is happy. Not the response we receive. In sincerity, no hope, desire or willingness to receive something in return. In sincerity, there are only the mental attitude gives willingly, with sincerity. That was a happy. And, it is a sign that the love you gave pure.
Indeed, we are never worthy to be loved if not ready for love. It is false to regard love as a right, while not feeling obliged to love. Liabilities should always have precedence. What is the obligation of work that requires physical, verbal working, working, or feeling the mind works, he still must take precedence.
Love does not afflict anyone.
Ownership, dependency, attachment to a loved one, that is miserable. There are adage that says: "On that you love your misery hidden." But make no mistake. Not the love that is miserable. It is not appropriate when there who thought she was 'miserable because of love'. Love was never and will never torment anyone.
Ownership, which is our dependence and kemelakatan miserable. It was there hiding misery. The desire to have a loved one, depending on the reply in kind of a loved one and therefore attached to it, are sources of misery.
Conversely, maybe you're lucky enough, get a worthwhile response from the beloved. Loved by someone you love, you could say a fortune. However, if you really loved him sincerely, you still feel happy. Happiness derived from a sincere love does not depend on whether you loved or not. Back should we admit that, happiness is only dependent on acts of love alone, the heartiness that's all.

We're not a robot emotions.
Basically, no one likes tied, shackled, on the pretext of love though. Human free will inherit. Attachment, or the shackles of dependence away from freedom, and with it all, happiness-was moved away from him. Silly, we often use as a binder and pembelenggu love anyone or anything that we love. We want to have, medominasi we love. This is where the problem point.
You can be happy with the profession you love tekuni so far, for example. However, if you love the profession began to shift to hunt or hoarding money, the income you get from the profession, or the fame, respect and glorification, you must get ready to let go of that happiness again. Because you have to direct yourself into the trap of slavery that you create yourself. Slavery is what keeps us from happiness. So, it is not too sloppy when we say that, in relation to happiness-love-it depends on how consistent we maintain sincerity in 'only love'.
Love does not have. Loving and have are two completely different things, unfortunately, for most people are emotionally difficult to separate them. When we intercepted love, a sense of ownership attached to them immediately. When a sense of belonging arises, then 'just love' vanished. He changed, and we are the ones who have to change it emotionally. This degradation seemed to exist outside of our control. He seemed automated.
Being 'out of control' is a latent problem of our other even though we know that really does not have to walk out of control. We do not have to be controlled by feelings or emotions, we do not have to act automatically, and only at the instigation of emotion, because we are not 'emotion engine', we are not a 'robot emotions'. Basically, we are not the emotion.

Do not be inhibited by a latent problem!
What was also observed here is a latent issue-ie, self-identification. Self-identification on the feelings, the emotions are a common phenomenon for us, in addition to self-identification in this sport.
Both forms of self-identification is actually being quite good when compared with self-identification of roles, the profession, imposed attributes of people in our self. Self-identification of attributes that people can be very painful, very painful. These mental phenomena you can observe clearly the people who often say: "Ah ... what will they say." This is really dangerous, indeed fatal. You are not what people say about you. Happiness and suffering you absolutely do not depend on 'what others'. Your self-identity is not concentrated there, in the mouths of every person. When this phenomenon happened really happened to you, then immediately realized and end!
Back to the love and possession. Loving the no-need to have. Ownership will only tarnish your love. Love or love with sincerity, to bring happiness. When you are ready to react to this, you soon will find happiness from 'simply loved'. If not, you will only spread the misery nets.

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