Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Articles About Life And The Meaning of Gratitude.

Articles About Life And The Meaning of Gratitude.
We live only temporary,
So we would not have been proud with what we have now, and we also do not ever feel deprived of what we have now.
For example, we are still grateful to be eating twice a day and some even more, and you may also extremely lucky person who can enjoy access to the Internet either from HP or any cafe - Internet cafe located in your town, to pobud to Finding the latest information, try once - once you pay attention to people - people who always are on the road - for example street children - children singers red lights, selling - selling newspapers, Tailor rickshaw paddle, garbage collectors, and people who live around the corner - the corner of the City. Do not you access the Internet to feed their aja hard, how the lack of knowledge about the outside world or innovation - the latest innovations of modern times today,
So for those of you who paced the adequacy, was thankful with what you have now, and do not you proud with wealth and position that you earn now,
because you are grateful with what you have, it shall Insha Allah, Allah will give you multiples of what ever you have right now
Have you ever give some of what you have to people who can not afford?
Remember life is only temporary, and what we have now was entrusted the divine,
there is nothing wrong we are grateful and give what little we have, to people who can not afford.
maybe you think if you are an enterprising and painstaking, so you can have what you have now, and assume that people who can not afford that person a low,
You are wrong if you minded like that, it all came back with divine power, because a matter of luck, you may include people who are lucky, and people who can not afford it people who are not lucky, although he works as hard as possible if rejzeki and luck has not been in the He is for now.
So do not ever layas to the person who is below you, because they are smarter science & nature is more experience than you, they wrote four years of age who have been trained to find money, and the age of five years they've Dapa generate its own money for living expenses, while with the sehariannya you eat and the money still comes from parents themselves, even not many of you are just making money themselves.
Imagine what if you're in their position.! Being at the crossroads, to be a scavenger or other street?
Maybe you have not sanggupkan? So you do not feel ever lack with what you have now, be thankful for the divine gift to you, maybe not at this time you get what you want to have right now, be patient and always pray that in your path make it easy.
Hopefully with this article you I can be useful for Nusa People and the Nation and always be grateful to the Divine.

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