Friday, January 6, 2012

Joint Travel Tips Children's Teen

When was your last trip with your child who was a teenager? Teenagers do tend to choose to travel with peers than with parents. However, it could not hurt you design a tour with the teenager.

To further familiarize themselves between parents and children, could be for example to travel between mothers with teenage girls or fathers with teenage boys. If you have never travel alone with your children who are still teenagers, the following tips you need to refer to.

Talk about time travel. Do not immediately decide the best time to travel. Discuss with your child. At times like school holidays now a suitable time. However, also adjust the schedule with your child.

Choose with your desired travel destinations. Talk about tourist destinations which would you and your child visit. If time allows only a minute, then select a nearby tourist destination of residence. When the time length is obtained, it can choose a rather distant destinations.

If this is your first time and the teenager traveling alone, no need to choose your destination abroad. Rather, look for destinations in the country that was still affordable range. Remember not the purpose of which became major destinations, but the trip itself.

Do not select the destination that makes you trouble down the road. Ensuring the comfort factor. Choose a destination that is used to receive tourists, which has a variety of accommodation options, a variety of tourist activities, and easy access. If not, you certainly do not want to spend time on the trip by constantly arguing with the teenager, is not it?

Create a schedule and travel route. The attractions whatever you want and the teens go? Make a list of sights you want to visit, and create a list of tourist attractions also want to attend your child. Then set which roughly equally be preferred. Choose attractions that involve joint activity between you and your child. For example, activities to make ceramics or rafting.

If there are individual preferences that can not be contested, compromised only. For instance in the afternoon visit to the museum your target, then at night watching a music event in the cafe who had long wanted to visit the teenager.

Where to eat? No need to search for fine dining restaurants to eat dinner. Simply search for food in restaurants or roadside stalls. Nothing wrong with your child you follow the advice on where to eat with good food and interesting atmosphere. If it turns out it teen all, just enjoy and reminisce as if you are young again.

What if the teen wants to bring a friend? Remember the goals you travel with your child. If your goal to know each other, resist the subtle and say that you just want to be alone with your child.

When the teenager suggest this for fear of boredom, then tour in time not too long. Quite a trip for 3 days. This is to give the impression of depth and hopefully your child forward instead filed a request to travel alone with you.

Let your child set up their own luggage. The teenager was growing up. He has been able to decide for themselves what items he needs to take it and not. You can only give suggestions. But no need to send him.

Just make sure it carries essential items to carry. For example, because it will travel slippers hiking mountain. Or, swimsuit for your destination is the beach. This makes your child learn to be responsible with her luggage. However, remind him if it was too heavy bawannya goods.

Remain as a parent. Although you can begin to position themselves as friends with the teenager, but ingatlan that your parents. Stay reprimand, fine of course with the attitude, if you feel your child applies not polite.

For example, he forgot to thank the waitress. Admonish by whispering, no need to say it in front of many people. Remind him to always tell you before want to go where, although it's just going to the toilet.

The moment itself. Sometimes when traveling, the teens want to enjoy a moment alone to explore a place. Let him do this. Therefore, he Arm enough money and do not let looks striking both in terms of politeness and luxurious impression. Also, make sure you know where he went. The good he did this in the daytime only.

Interesting activity to do. Choose the tourism activities that will involve the participation of both of you. For example tours to make something, like batik, cooking traditional dishes in the local area, and so on. It could also watch the performing arts. Want a more challenging? Try doing rafting with your child or other exciting games. Hiking is also interesting to ride together.

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