Friday, June 10, 2011

Tu, Wa, Yuk Sports!

STILL sporting a baby already? Yes! Babies also need to actively Like adults. The benefits of physical and brain development babies, you know!

Starting at age one month

"Every human being is healthy, infants to senior citizens began to take physical activity, without which the joints can become stiff and even muscle to shrink," said Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO who practiced at Slim + Health Sports Therapy.

Exercise can be started from infants aged over one month in which the age of less than one month, the baby's condition is very fragile and susceptible to disease because their immune systems are still low. In addition, the baby must be healthy.

"When the baby alone in their daily life difficult to move-such as a specific disease or malnutrition-sports should not be done. It can be dangerous for the safety of babies," added the bespectacled doctor this.

Regular and continuous

"Although the sport on the baby looks like in general daily activities, such as moving the feet, hands or toys, but everything must be done programmatically, orderly and sustainable," said the father of two sons.

That is, if the baby just move arbitrarily without any program or recording, said he could not exercise. Well, want to know what sports are suitable for babies? This is it!

1. Swimming

The first is a safe sport to be introduced to infants. Yes, the article of your baby is already accustomed to 'swim' in the amniotic fluid for nine months in the womb.

Also, studies say, swim since the baby would be beneficial to the physical development, concentration, reflexes, intelligence and their social behavior when entering the age of childhood.

You can introduce swimming as a two-month-old baby. The trick? If your child has not been able to lift his head, just put his body on the palms of the hands of moms and put it in the water so that he would be free to move his hands and feet.

But when the baby is able to lift his head, use special tires for the baby so that he could float in water and moving the feet and hands as they please.

Perform range 10-15 minutes, three times a week. Do not be too long because it can cause infant hipotermi resulting stress (cold stress).

2. Gymnastics baby (infant exercise)

Is a form of game movement. Helpful stimulate growth and development and movement skills in an optimal infant.

Can begin to do when a baby three months old. It said Dr Michael, a baby who did INFANT exercise is generally faster to speak, has a better appetite, sleep more soundly, and faster growth than infants who did not perform infant exercise.

Here's an example INFANT-exercise aimed at improving the strength of the muscles of the upper arm and shoulder motion that can be done three times a week.

Perform repetitions 4 times for each movement:

a. Put the baby to sleep supine position with both arms straight beside the body (starting position)
b. Move your baby's arms upward, then back to the starting position.
c. Move your baby's arms to the side, then return to starting position.
d. Move your baby's arms crossed in front of the body, returning to the starting position.
e. Move your arm up to touch the ear turns the baby, then return to starting position.

3. Other Exercises

By moving the body, rolling over, moving the goods, sitting and standing, the baby had been doing sports, though simple.

Do the exercise below in accordance with age and infant development:

0-3 months

Up to 3-month-old infant, reflex movement is still dominant, one of grasp reflex (GRASP). Well, exercise is good to be holding. The trick? Moms Place index finger in the palm of your child's hand, then he would hold it reflexively. Do this regularly every day.

This exercise can be done in addition to swimming two-month-old infant exercise-and-age of three months.

4-6 months

At the age of 4-5 months, babies usually start to his stomach and his back-motor function was better. You can train it to roll around to the left or right-to train the muscle strength and chest.

At the age of six months, babies have started to sit down and begin to throw or drop anything good. Moms can use it to train his arm strength.

Give him a toy ball or a clean cloth. Let him throw, drop the toy and picked it up, or move a toy from one hand to another hand.

7-9 months

Crawling is a baby's ability to stand out in this period, so that Moms can exercise with a trained him to crawl by putting the baby in the room is spacious and clean. Put toys such as balls-and-play ball for your child are interested to take it.

10-12 months

At this age babies begin to learn to stand up, climbing and walking. To train your leg muscle strength, Moms can sit the baby on the floor or mattress and let him try to stand on its own to finally sit back, do as much several times.

It could also put a favorite toy at high altitudes. Children will try to grab the vine and climb to higher ground.

If the baby is able to walk a few steps, he trained to reach for toys at a distance of Moms who have set and gradually increase. Remember, always keep an eye on baby while doing this.

After exercise, massage!

After exercising, you should do massage on the baby-especially-trained on the area to prevent pain and soreness after exercise. In addition, infant massage is also beneficial to prevent sleep disorders. So when you wake up, baby will be more concentration power increases.

Through massage, blood circulation becomes little more smoothly. Wave energy is also increased due to the fresh oxygen will be more sent to the brain and the entire baby's body.

Little sports, Moms mandatory ...

• Ensuring environmental safety

End of the table a sharp and slippery floors are examples of circumstances that need to be aware Moms, in order to prevent the baby suffered injuries during exercise. Should work out at the vast and empty room.

• Choosing the right time

Should be done early morning, because the air is still fresh and can be attained their baby to sunlight. "Exercise the right will make the body become fitter. Feared, when exercising in the afternoon or evening, even babies do not sleep to feel fresh and fast," said Dr Michael.

• Noting the development and record it

Always record the baby's development from day to day. For example, today's child is able to crawl as far as two meters, the next four yards. With the recording system, Moms can find out if there is progress or setbacks in fact little ability. And from there could be reviewed what the cause - maybe he was sick or tired.

• Evaluate and re-program

Evaluation is important to assess whether the exercise is done is still appropriate or not for the little guy. For example, your child now able to lift his head a week ago but not yet. Of course exercise undertaken should be tailored to the current ability (re-program).

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