Thursday, June 16, 2011

Prince Harry Back to War

Prince Harry is rumored to soon return to Afghanistan to perform military duty with the British Army. Harry was known as a British Army helicopter pilot.

Newspaper The Sun and The Mirror reports that the 26-year-old pilot certainly will be lowered back to Afghanistan. Previously he had served as an air control officer for 10 weeks in Afghanistan in 2007 until 2008.

This news about the MoD refused to give his comments. "The ministry will not release penugasaan comment about someone," the ministry statement quoted by the Daily Mail, Thursday (06/16/2011).

"Harry is an army pilot he will be assigned wherever the military wants it," said a spokesman for Prince Harry.

Harry's first task in Afghanistan was shortened after foreign media leaked to the public. Younger brother of Prince William explained that he wanted to get back to Afghanistan. The final decision, which is expected to be taken in secret will be determined at the beginning of next year.

Harry completed his training as an Apache helicopter pilot in April and was promoted to Captain. At the time of his promotion Harry explained that the training would be wasted if the army does not intend to drop him on the battlefield.

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