Saturday, June 4, 2011

Excluded from hordes Monkey Temple

A group of monkeys with teeth have been removed at the temple of Phnom Penh. Hordes of monkeys that are often launched attacks on tourists.

"Phnom Penh security authorities ordered us to get rid of that monkey monkeys from the temple, many tourists are bitten by a monkey," said Tamao Zoo Director Nhek Rattanak Pich, as reported by Agence France-Presse on Saturday (04/06/2011).

The temple was surrounded by 200 macaque monkeys which sometimes led to riots when they wander near residential or hotel. They damage the tile house and wash clothes random shuffle.

The vet has now compose 13 tail macaque monkeys in Phnom Temple Mount.

Cambodian police describe as a group of macaque monkeys genk. Authority police even gave prizes for the hunters to $ 250 or approximately USD 2 million for a monkey tail.

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