Friday, May 6, 2011


Time show By 12 midnight when I arrived the place going. The air was very cold, although the collar kurapatkan still feels bite until ketulang-bone. Based on the instructions I received, that night I should be in proper shower Seven Sukabumi 12 midnight, to receive the heirlooms of the supernatural.

Shower Seven Sukabumi situation has changed much over 20 years ago., Currently has a population of gardens, trees grow tall heads everywhere.

The night was very scary, bintang2 rays from the sky is not bright enough to see clearly, I sat cross-legged with takzimnya between trees, lush leaves that move in the wind look like they conjure up images of creepy creatures dipenglihatanku. I read the verses of protection to protect me from evil creatures and wild animals, snakes, scorpions, etc.. Dimly I saw my brother was taking place about 10 meters in front of me, and next to my right, Yanto was trying to sit up, but his position is not allowed to sit because of dense trees.

Time to move on close at 12 midnight precisely.

Tiba2 sounds of crickets and seruing suddenly stopped, and my neck hair creeps up, smell the fragrant but strange, I tried to open the vision gaibku concentration, definitely magical treasures had arrived. Visible light rays shot came from the east and then circling above my head, I opened my eyes and looked up, it turns out I waiting for treasures have come and were floating above my head, spear-shaped head.
Spinning the spear pierced through my chest AND THEN

After circling for a while, a short spear was then floated down and suddenly pierced through the tunnel towards me. My heart choked up, I wanted to scream and jump away but was unable to move because of the spear dropped sharply towards me as fast as lightning, I surrender to Almighty Allah that whatever will happen ... ...

I saw right through me and the spear pierced through the ground behind me ... ...

With pounding, my chest is pierced by the spear kuraba, there was no bloodletting, and no pain pierced by a spear.

According to feelings, a javelin pierced the ground right behind me sejarak one inch, kuraba backward to ensure the existence of a spear, kuraba once, no objects of any kind, twice, no nothing but soil, grass, on the third time, my hand touched the object that turned out is the spear.

Actually I do not be surprised because when diving and spear pierced through the lance towards me still dialam transition, from the invisible realm kealam real, so it will probably hurt me (not yet manifest reality). New Spear manifests a few moments later.

I picked up the spear which turned out to have come into it and I saw very beautiful.

While we were admiring the beauty of the spear, suddenly heard a loud voice behind me krontang, sound-objects falling on asphalt 100 meters from where I crossed, ever, seen any rays shot out from the body Yanto, out of his head flying toward the east and was manifested long double-edged sword so strange, and fall paved near parked cars. We all quickly ran towards the fall of the sword, because if not immediately touched, the sword will go back kealam occult.

Car lights on and the spear that I got kuteliti. Berpamor spears special picture dipamornya puppet makes me shake my head because of the beauty and because it seemed to just come out of the furnace manufacture. I saw Yanto is also being examined and admired the sword he gets a handsome shape, where the length is approximately three feet more.

Where you know Budi? Yaa he can baseball? Similarly, my little heart to ask.

After saving the spear, so I headed to the place I had seen cross-legged Budi, Budi was trying to find his Kujang (Kris Pasundan), which pierced through into the hedge bushes 3 feet in front of him. After over an hour did not meet at last we decided to look for it tomorrow morning at first light and returned to the place we spend the night in Sukabumi ... ....

Early morning after breakfast perfunctory, then we went back to the shower Seven, and the mood has changed completely during the light.

Hedge of green trees look beautiful against the background of the summit of Mount Gede bluish, diarea seen corn, peppers, flowers and trees are beautiful colorful extend. For a while we admire the beauty of Allah's creation.

Satisfied to enjoy the beauty of nature, we also are reminded of the heritage objects that have not been found, after searching together for a while, Cleaver found menghujam dikerimbunan direct heirloom tomato plants.

We then returned to the place overnight to examine the heirlooms that we can, admiring its beauty, and imagine how to make it very complicated. I pray thank Allah SWT for His marvelous gift.

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