tick tock .. .. .. 1 minute passed
tick tock .. .. .. 2 minutes elapsed
Duh sory long last took the cheat (Newbie Mode On)! And the Tips Are:
Invite your partner a romantic way. Call him with pet names that have been agreed by both parties Beibb example, Hunn, Pussy, Sunaryanto My Man, Jane The Girl On The Next Door, Betina koe, Haryono my sex slave .. ato .. whatever all the names of legitimate critical aja no coercion from either party ..
Ngobrollah on the edge of a bed or on the couch, Tell me about the wonderful memories you've passed along like when you were living as a peasant village where every day he carries your lunch while you're hoeing the fields and not intentionally on his feet so that your hoes two broken fingers but he's still smiling .. (Kek so good memories?)
Before you start having sex on stage seriously fashion, try to fix all the things that can disrupt, for example check whether your child is asleep, the wife or husband and your spouse is sleeping (cheat mode on), Ronda Check the schedule you do not let this night was to turn ronda, and the last one you should also check your lover, lest she too was asleep ..
Serious lovemaking mode on (eventually) .. Open your clothes slowly and let your spouse also do the same thing .. This one is called Foreplay .. Belailah hair slowly ticks all nyari Uban ato .. Foreplay Do you already mastered, such as Bite ears ..
after Fairplay kira2 what do you do? dumbfounded wrote? Black blehhhh ... Perform movement back and forth regularly, why go backwards? Reverse if hold, Ntar kecabuttt dodollll .......
Well here it is .. this last and most important part of sex is orgasm, orgasm either living at sea or in daraat (ITU ORGANISMS tolollll!). yahh whatever .. When you reach orgasm, express it in words example "OHH JUMINTENNN" or "Haryono YOU DID IT AGAIN"! But BE CAREFUL not until Saying Oh Jane Tukiyem when your spouse name, I could not bear the risks! In addition to your words can also reveal the Sigh, scratches, roar, bite, singing, waving, kissing, straw and security. (Zzz)
After reaching the peak wearing ato do not jump immediately turn around but what aja ato Talk advance for filling the time. If you are a writer, you can write your name in your name Haryono body example, you write here .. Haryono was fitted underneath jamal article or section was here next to Andre was here, can also over-bento.blogspot www.chiko. com was here .. (Wew Belong Together donk?? Please check there name there ??).. gw ga
Sex is not difficult if you follow these tips .. sy still many people who do not know sex tips (GERINDRA!!), Follow My Tips (GERINDRA!!), Do not let your partner is not satisfied (GERINDRA!!), what Gerindra sehh mulu? Om dimarahin Ntar Prabowo lho .. Ngmong-talk about Prabowo help in writing Gerindra There sapatu CHECK WAS HERE! kabooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hahahha! for those who are still confused please write in komenn, trus kalo dah which may also be written dikomennn .. MaaV y if there is similarity of name? It is simply entertainment (GERINDRA!!) Jah start lagiiii .. ok till here first y, Maw wrote Chiko WAS HERE ..
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