Monday, May 9, 2011

The Enemy Within Establish Blanket urges Buckingham Mosque

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In Islam4UK site, visible image Buckingham Palace as amended sedmikian a way that resembles a mosque complete with dome and minaret. (News CAIRO)

In Islam4UK site, visible image Buckingham Palace as amended sedmikian a way that resembles a mosque complete with dome and minaret. (News CAIRO)

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LONDON (Reuters CAIRO) - A group of fanatical Muslims who conducted a campaign to impose Islamic law or Sharia in the UK want to change the Buckingham Palace into a mosque.

A few days before the rally that has the potential to be inciting held in central London, Islam4UK hardline group claimed to have found evidence of history that challenges the right of the Queen to stay in the kingdom's property.

Imam hardline Anjem Choudary called for the palace of the Queen was renamed Masjid Buckingham. Mall near the palace will be the Mosque Road.

Choudary, the right hand cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, threw it when urged Muslims across Britain to join the rally on Saturday that demands careful examination of the British legal system and the introduction of Sharia courts.

Protest rally will begin at one o'clock outside the Congress building and ended in Trafalgar Square, less than one mile from Buckingham Palace, causing concerns about the security situation.

Last night, a number of politicians and British Muslims condemned the comments Choudary.

Tory MP Philip Davies compares Choudary with BNP leader, "This guy is really an idiot. He is a Muslim figure from Nick Griffin. I accept the freedom of speech and the right of people to express their opinions, but there are laws that say about the trigger racial hatred . Obviously that's what he is doing now. "

"If the law is correct it must be applied on both sides, can not be directed only at one group of people."

In Islam4UK site, Choudary wrote "Sparks has been ignited and the flame will not be stopped."

"In recent years, the world has witnessed the rise of Islam that continues to grow strongly."

"We found ourselves in 2009, waiting for the collapse of Rome, the White House, and Buckingham Palace."

Choudary said that under Sharia, the Queen's official residence in London that will be mounted dome and speaker system for a call to prayer.

Palace will be used as a court to handle cases of Sharia and place for holding "prisoners of war."

In addition, the palace buildings also will become the headquarters of the supreme leadership of the Islamic State and the Department of Information and Culture.

Choudary also called for the Crown Jewels was merged into "a more attractive jewelry, free from the cult and pengidolaan or symbols such as crosses and humans."

Site engineering drawings Islam4UK show palace that has been converted into a mosque by Crown Jewels that had been merged.

Choudary added, "Currently, Buckingham Palace is no more than a building without a meaning that was exploited by the rich and withheld from the true function."

"Under Sharia law is not going to happen. Communities England will see it transformed into a mosque that develop and bring benefits, not just for those who live in London but also for the whole country."

Islam4UK Movement consists of members of immigrants who had been led by Choudary and has now been disbanded. Approximately 15% of British people who were convicted of involvement in terrorism last ten years it is a member of or have relationships with these groups.

Centre for Social Cohesion Choudary warned of the dangers of the contents of that last night's lecture.

Houriya Ahmed, a researcher for an independent think tank, says, "I think they're just doing this for publicity."

"Anjem Choudary is the one who's ridiculous. But that does not mean that ideology is not dangerous."

Muslim leader Abdul Hamid Qureshi, chairman of Lancashire Council of Mosques, said: "The sad fact is that this organization is driving the agenda. What they are saying is completely wrong. They're just a small group of people. Nothing makes sense in their ideas, It is not Islam. They truly are the enemy in the blanket that is more dangerous. "

Previously, Choudary has ignited anger the British people by calling for the Queen to become a Muslim.

He also demanded the Islamic revolution throughout the UK.

Choudary, 42, said that His Majesty - the head of the Church of England - should convert to Islam to gain a place in heaven.

Not only the Queen, Choudary also like to see senior members of government changed its religion. "We invite everyone from the Queen, ministers, parliamentarians, aristocrats, to the ordinary person in Britain to embrace Islam."

"Save yourself and your children in this life full of suffering and prepare them for the great destiny from now on."

He threw the call via the Internet to promote the rally on Saturday.

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