Monday, May 9, 2011

British cleric How To Give Islamic World Accepted

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A Muslim woman using the burqa was blending in with the British people in the subway. (CAIRO Nesw)

A Muslim woman using the burqa was blending in with the British people in the subway. (CAIRO Nesw)

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LONDON (Reuters CAIRO) - A prominent Muslim cleric urged the congregation to reach out to other communities to promote inter-religious understanding, so that Islam may well received.

Moalana Allama Shahid Raza Sheiykh Naeemi OBE, chairman of the Advisory Council on Mosques and Imams National (MINAB), believes the move will greatly assist the community cohesion.

Naeemi praise for the way Huddersfield Examiner covering different communities throughout the city said: "Muslims should be more open. They have to open their homes, their institutions, their mosques, Islamic schools. They should be more transparent and should have friendship in personal with next-door neighbor.''

Naeemi is one of the most senior Muslim in the country and a government adviser.

He visited the office of the Examiner after the question and answer session about community cohesion in the Quaker Church Scholes, Cleckheaton.

MINAB unite all religious groups that differ in the British Muslim community and represent about 1,300 mosques across Britain.

Naeemi has been visiting community groups, schools, churches and mosques in the UK to listen to people's concerns about community cohesion.

He said the session Scholes has included questions about Muslim women who cover their faces, veil, integration and teachings of the faith.

"As a Muslim, I was covering the face was not necessary because it is not compulsory in Islam," he said.

"Islam gives very clear guidelines about dress code."

"I am not in a position to sue the people what to do and what not to do, but I can express my own opinion. And so in a society where we live with so many people. As a minority, we must have wisdom."

"It is our responsibility to be as flexible as possible so that we can be accepted."

"We have stayed here on our own choice. We are not forced to stay here."

Naeemi agree there are many negative perceptions that surround Islam but said he was optimistic the situation will improve.

"We can live together,''he said." There is no reason why we can not live together. "

"Muslims have historically lived as a good neighbor with Jews and Christians in various parts of the world."

"We must be optimistic and not lose heart."

Naeemi said in a public debate involving the BNP is "double-edged sword", but said he supports dialogue with those who are against Islam and said he would be ready to meet with Nick Griffin.

He added: "The only way forward is to accept each other and move forward with unity and harmony.

"But Muslims should not be targeted exclusively.

"I strongly feel that the Government should not be focused only on one community."

And he said the Huddersfield Daily Examiner is one of the leading newspapers across the country in how to report on the diversity of its people.

Naeemi said: "As someone who lives and works in London, I have heard many good things about the Huddersfield Daily Examiner and its efforts to reach all the diverse and different people who settled in Huddersfield.

"I also tend to access the Huddersfield Daily Examiner from the internet."

"We all live in an age of globalization is changing rapidly and we are all part of a huge global community."

"Even the holy city of Mecca has opened a McDonald's and KFC outlets in today. No continent is immune from these changes.

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