Monday, May 9, 2011

8 Reasons Need More Sex

Who says sex just gives menikamatan? Here we present some results of other studies about the benefits of sex.


When making love, female hormone estrogen will produce twice as big. As is known, the hormone that's good for healthy hair and skin.

Sexual intercourse is often accompanied by perspiration. That means, the body's metabolism is stimulated to work properly. Did you know, sweat duty dispose of toxic substances in the body?

Sex for 26 minutes [to orgasm], the same as jogging or swimming 20 rounds, which can burn half the calories of regular pizza. This is good for the diet, right?

Sexual intercourse is done as they liked and would spur the release of andhorpin to the blood. That is why the body feels light and fun while making love. But, besides that, it turns out good andhorpin to reduce depression.

The hormone oxytocin is released immediately after orgasm, is the safest tranquilizer. Do not be surprised if you feel sleepy after having sex. If oxytocin come, disturbed sleep is lost.

Sex usually without the kiss was bland. Unexpectedly, it was a kiss that done, both to stimulate saliva production, which is useful to maintain the acidity of the mouth and eradicate bacteria. That way, toothache and bad breath was spared.

Having sex for 20 minutes [not including foreplay], both to train the cardiovascular work to expedite the flow of blood from the heart throughout the body, including the brain. That way, other than the heart grow stronger, headache was gone.

The more frequent sex, the more the body's production of antihistamine. That way, your body will get used to working hard and this is beneficial for stamina. But, an antihistamine is also good for smooth breathing, you know.

Of course, for maximum results, intercourse should only be done safely with an official partner.

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