Monday, May 9, 2011

3000 Tickets sold out Paramore 2 Hours!

JAKARTA - Paramore concert ticket presale is limited only 3 have already sold out thousands of pieces struck fans.

Presale tickets sold in Thamrin City on Sunday (8 / 5) yesterday. Tickets are priced Festival Rp600 thousand for class A and 400 thousand for the Festival concert band B for U.S. origin, is discharged within 2 hours.

"A lot of the queue from early morning, but we are grateful to walk in an orderly manner," said Imelda Friska, from Entertainment ShowMaxx to Okezone, the promoter is responsible to bring Paramore to Indonesia.

The band is reinforced by Hayley Williams, Taylor York, and Jeremy Davis, is scheduled to begin their concert in Indonesia for the first time in GWK Bali on August 17, 2011, then went to Jakarta on August 19, 2011, in the arena Carnaval Beach, Ancol.

In Ancol, promoters provide 20 thousand tickets. While in Bali GWK, provided 10 thousand tickets. For the normal price concert in Jakarta, Festival A Festival B 700 thousand and 500 thousand.

As for the concert at GWK, Bali, promoters sell tickets prices Festival A Festival B Rp600 thousand and 400 thousand. Promoters also provides an online sales system to facilitate the audience get a ticket.

"Paramore in their Asian tour also stopped in Indonesia is very welcomed enthusiastically by the fans here," said Imelda. (tom)

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